Ryan Blackburn
And while you're at it, ProperConvert already knows that it has renamed a transaction line. So when you right click on the line you should see an 'edit renaming rule' selection and it should switch tabs and scroll to the line number of the renamed rule. Or better yet have a simple popup for editing just that rule along with any matching category mappings (which would speed up ini file writing). If there was a popup with name, newname and category it would almost make this usable. Also having the popup scan and select all distinct category names and having it in a dropdown would help keep renamings and mappings in sync.
I see a ton of potential in ProperConvert but it is lacking some basic and needed features that makes the software almost unusable. I paid for a license so I can offload my company books to an employee, but I keep finding that using, adding rules and doing anything basic just causes a headache.